gingia club
municipality: PARABIAGO
Province: Milano
Available for:
suitable for any type of event: - birthdays (children and adults) - graduation parties - eighteenth - baptisms, confirmations, communions - marriage

We present OUR CIRCLE, where it is possible to organize ANY KIND OF EVENT, fantastic location in Parabiago (mi), large covered outdoor area (1,500 square meters) inside (500 square meters) with sound system and lights bar, internal parking space suitable for all types of event: - birthdays (children and adults) - graduation parties - eighteenth - baptisms, confirmations, communions - weddings - private aperitifs - concerts - dance evening convention dj set barbecues, dinners and lunches - corporate events and much, much more .. ..................... RESERVED FOR MEMBERS for reservations or info: PARABIAGO VIA PIEMONTE 65 facebook circologingia 3240940156